Laporan Yang Bikin Grogy

Beberapa hari belakangan ini muncul semacam penggiringan opini, seolah-olah pemberitaan mengenai kritik World Bank terhadap proyek infrastruktur di Indonesia salah alamat karena memakai data lama, yakni data tahun 2014. Padahal, sebenarnya Kajian World Bank tentang infrastruktur itu ada dua. Pertama, laporan tahun 2014 dan kedua, laporan tahun 2018.

Beberapa media Nasional telah membahas laporan World Bank tahun 2014 –dengan judul “Indonesia’s Infrastructure Planning and Budgeting Processes: an internal report of the World Bank Global Governance Practice” — pada minggu akhir Desember 2018 dan pada minggu pertama Januari 2019. Begitu muncul laporan itu, World Bank langsung menanggapi dengan penjelasan bahwa laporan itu adalah laporan lama, tahun 2014, sebelum masa pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo.

Berikut penjelasan World Bank untuk laporan pertama, yang tahun 2014…


Statement January 1, 2019 
Indonesia: World Bank Statement

We became aware that in recent days an outdated internal World Bank report examining Indonesia’s Infrastructure Planning & Budgeting Processes has been the subject of discussion in social and other media in the country. We would like to clarify that this report was (a) completed in 2014 before President Joko Widodo took office, (b) aimed at describing the state of infrastructure planning and budgeting processes at that time, and (c) intended for internal World Bank use only and uploaded by clerical mistake in one of our websites in June 2018.

Accordingly, the report is obsolete as it does not cover substantial reforms made since its completion almost five years ago – including several important new regulations.

There is a substantial volume of up-to-date analysis on the subject reflecting the substantial progress made over the last few years in infrastructure development and identifying opportunities for continued improvement. This analysis includes joint work by Indonesia’s key ministries and agencies and the World Bank.

Infrastructure development is a crucial element for Indonesia progress and, as such, it deserves to be at the center of the public policy dialogue in the country. It is essential, therefore, that the conversation on the subject is based on current analysis and evidence.

Lestari Boediono
[email protected]


Menurut penjelasan World Bank di websitenya, laporan itu tidak sengaja terupload karena konon terjadi (sic!) “clerical mistake.” Padahal, kalau kita lihat di websitenya, laporan itu diupload dengan keterangan “Document Date 2018/06/21 00:08:04”, sementara “Disclosure Date-nya 2018/06/25 00:03:44…”

CNN Indonesia kemudian memberitakan tentang adanya laporan terbaru –dengan judul “Indonesia Infrastructure Sector Assessment Program” (InfraSAP)– pada tanggal 4 Januari 2019. Dokumen kedua ini –yakni laporan kajian World Bank tentang Infrastruktur tahun 2018 — menurut CNN berjumlah 344 halaman. Saya juga belum tahu detailnya, karena tampaknya hanya CNN Indonesia yang dapat bocoran laporan itu. Yang menarik, dokumen laporan World Bank tahun 2018 ini tidak diupload di website World Bank.

Menurut laporan CNN, Bank Dunia menyebut proyek infrastruktur di Indonesia berkualitas rendah, tidak memiliki kesiapan, dan tak terencana secara matang. Hal tersebut menjadi kendala utama bagi Pemerintah Indonesia untuk memobilisasi lebih banyak modal swasta ke dalam berbagai proyek pembangunan infrastruktur. Dalam laporan bertajuk “Infrastructure Sector Assesment Program” yang dirilis pada Juni 2018, Bank Dunia menjelaskan proyek infrastruktur Indonesia tidak diprioritaskan berdasarkan kriteria atau seleksi yang jelas. “Reputasi proyek di Indonesia berkualitas rendah dan tidak direncanakan dengan baik,” begitu salah satu kritik Bank Dunia dalam laoprannya.

Selain itu, masih menurut laporan Bank Dunia yang dikutip CNN, pilihan metode pengadaan diputuskan terlalu dini sebelum analisis mendalam. Misalnya melalui skema Kerjasama Pemerintah dengan Badan Usaha (KPBU), business to business (B2B), atau lewat pembiayaan publik. Padahal, negara lain mendahulukan proses studi dan analisis bertahap, sebelum akhirnya mengambil keputusan terkait skema pengadaan dan pembiayaan yang tepat.

Karena ramenya pemberitaan di CNN Indonesia, dokumen kedua ini juga dikomentari oleh World Bank di laman resmi mereka. World Bank mengakui adanya laporan yang mulai disusun sejak tahun 2017 itu. Namun menurut mereka, laporan InfraSAP itu masih belum dipublikasikan, karena masih dalam proses finalisasi dengan berdiskusi bersama counterpart mereka, Kementerian Keuangan, Bappenas, Menko Perekonomian, Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat, Menteri BUMN, Menteri Perhubungan, dan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Diskusi tingkat menteri membahas InfraSAP berlangsung pada 4 Desember 2018.

Ini beberapa artikel CNN

Nah, ini penjelasan resmi World Bank di websitenya tentang laporan InfraSAP, laporan tahun 2018…


Statement January 7, 2019 
Indonesia: World Bank Statement

The World Bank would like to comment on a few articles published by CNN Indonesia on January 4, 2019.

These articles quote a report that the World Bank is currently finalizing in close collaboration with the Indonesian Government. This report is titled “Indonesia Infrastructure Sector Assessment Program” (InfraSAP). The report takes stock of the substantial progress achieved by Indonesia in developing its infrastructure over the last few years as well as the opportunities and instruments available to the authorities to continue closing the infrastructure gap that has accumulated over generations.

The World Bank began the preparation of this report in mid-2017 following an invitation from the government to work together in finding solutions to attract more private and commercial financing to the infrastructure investments required to achieve the government’s ambition of maintaining the country’s competitiveness and improving the lives of all Indonesians.

The InfraSAP is a comprehensive analysis of the constraints that may reduce commercial and private financing of infrastructure. It includes a set of possible policy reforms that may be considered and implemented by the country in the short and medium terms.

The report recognizes that closing an infrastructure gap accumulated over many decades will take sustained corrective action over a period of time. The report also acknowledges the progress made by the Government and its strong commitment to closing this gap.

From our discussions with the relevant ministries and government agencies, we appreciate the progress being made to enable stronger coordination between the government’s budget, SOEs, and the private sector in financing infrastructure projects, including affording the private sector with a better environment to invest in the sector. We hope that the InfraSap will be a useful input to the authorities in the developing of the RPJMN 2020-2024.

The World Bank has not released the InfraSAP to the public yet. As is the case with all World Bank reports, we have been working closely and discussing with relevant government counterparts including the MoF, Bappenas, Coordinating Ministries, MoSOE, MEMR, MoPWH, MoT, and OJK. For instance, a high-level discussion on the InfraSAP key findings and recommendations took place on December 4, 2018.

Once the consultation with the Government is concluded, we look forward to sharing and discussing the report with all other stakeholders, including, the private sector, development partners, civil society, academia, and the press.

Lestari Boediono
[email protected]


Tampilkan Pos

Jadi sekali lagi, ada dua laporan World Bank. Laporan pertama adalah laporan tahun 2014, dengan judul “Indonesia’s Infrastructure Planning and Budgeting Processes: an internal report of the World Bank Global Governance Practice”. Laporan kedua adalah laporan tahun 2018, dengan judul “Indonesia Infrastructure Sector Assessment Program” (InfraSAP). Dalam laporan tahun 2018 ini, World Bank mengritik keras kebijakan-kebijakan infrastruktur di masa pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo.

Jadi jangan melintir-melintir lagi ya…

Hanibal Wijayanta, wartawan senior