Lawan Pandemi Dajjal, Dokter Tifa: Tenang Jangan Panik, Tetap waspada

JAKARTASATU.COM: BERSIAP-SIAP!!!! COVID 2.0 sedang terjadi!!.  Bill Gates Foundation, bekerja sama dengan Pusat Keamanan Kesehatan Johns Hopkins dan Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO), menjalankan simulasi yang disebut “Penularan Bencana,” yang membayangkan pandemi mematikan pada tahun 2025. Hal tersebut diunggah di akun X (twitter), Selasa 7/1/2025. Terkait pendemi 2025 berikut diunggah David Z :

COVID 2.0 SCAM is on the  way !!
⚡️⚡️ The Bill Gates Foundation, in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Health Organization (WHO), ran a simulation called “Catastrophic Contagion,” imagining a deadly pandemic in 2025.

This time, the outbreak, caused by an enterovirus called SEERS, will have a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and will disproportionately affect children.

A panel of experts examined the lessons of the COVID-19 crisis, discussing topics such as social control, propaganda and controversial church closures.

➡️ Has the next pandemic begun? 🦠

⚡️ Only 3 days have passed since the beginning of 2025, and China is already talking about a virus outbreak: “China 🇨🇳 declares state of emergency as epidemic overwhelms hospitals and crematoria”.

⚡️ USA. Several states are reinstating mask mandates as doctors warn of a “quaddemic” of four virus infections….

Official figures show that the number of infections from influenza, COVID, RSV (respiratory disease that causes the common cold) and norovirus (sometimes called stomach flu) began to rise during the Christmas period when families came together to celebrate.

⚡️ According to local media reports, India is setting up 13 new quarantine centers at major international airports to isolate travelers with symptoms of infectious diseases that could potentially trigger an outbreak.

First signs of a new pandemic? 🤔

⚡️ After 3 days of the year 2025, in China you don’t have to worry about the virus: «

⚡️At the end of the stage, you will see the medical treatment.

The doctor will tell you to  prevent the “quaddemic” of four viral infections…

The official information is that there are infections, known flu, COVID, RSV (respiratory defence, respiratory infection), and coronavirus (inovirus).

Remember what the holiday is about.
What are the first calls for the new pandemic?🤔

Global reorganization
🇷🇺  [ @SMO_VZ ] 🇷🇺

Terkait pandemi 2025 , Dokter Tifa merespon unggahan David Z di akun X pada Selasa (7/1/2025):

Mau ada Pandemic

Yang penting, saya sudah berikan anda pedoman untuk mencegah sekaligus mengantisipasi serangan Virus Non Natural alias Virus Sintetik apapun yang disebar, dengan TRIO:
1. Rempanusa
2. Ivermectin
3. Dokter Tifa

Untuk yang nomor 3, segala platform insyaAllah akan saya aktifkan. Ikuti YouTube Chanel Dokter Tifa. Ikuti KOL – Kuliah Online di Facebook @Dr Tifa.  Baca buku Pandemi. Ikut grup SDT – Sahabat Dokter Tifa. Ikuti Grup Relawannya – RPSI Relawan Pejuang Sehat Indonesia.  Ikuti Webinar-Webinarnya. Ikuti Seminar-Seminarnya. Ikuti Kelas Zoomnya.

Kita siap-siap lawan Pandemi Dajjal dengan cara yang tepat, jangan pakai cara yang sesat.

Tenang, jangan panik. Tetap waspada.
